23-25 Budget
Narrative Responses
SIA Annual Report

2021-22 Student Investment Account Annual Report 



Required Question


  1. What changes in behavior, actions, policies or practices have you observed related to SIA implementation during the 2021-22 school year? How do you see these changes contributing to the goals and outcomes in your SIA plan? (500 words or less)

Due to the SIA funds being applied to activities outside of the 2021-22 student calendar year, specifically curriculum, staffing, and programs the only activity to reflect on is our summer swimming program.  The swimming program allowed our students to travel into a larger community and interact with like aged peers twice a week for open swim at the public swimming pool.  This experience enriched our students' social skills  and behavioral/social norms in following pool rules that they do not regularly experience

  1. What barriers or challenges to SIA implementation have you experienced that are helpful for your community and/or state leaders to be aware of? What adjustments, if any, did you make to your SIA plan as a result of these challenges? (500 words or less)

The main barrier we experienced last summer was lack of employees.  At times we did not have access to qualified bus drivers to bring our students to the pool and the pool did not have enough qualified lifeguards to allow our students the opportunity for one-on-one or small group swimming lessons.

  1. SIA implementation includes ongoing engagement with all students, focal students, families, staff, and community partners. How have relationships with or between those groups changed and/or been maintained throughout this academic year? Consider the Community Engagement Toolkit and where your efforts might land on the Levels of Community Engagement spectrum as you complete your response. (500 words or less)

With our summer swim program the district provided transportation, supervision, lunch and fees for our students to have the opportunity to go to a larger community and swim.  This service was greatly appreciated by our parents and community.  Due to the recent turn in economy(fuel costs) and increased activity in the agriculture world in the summertime, most of the students would have not been able to go to the pool without the district providing the transportation, supervision, and resources

  1. As you think about what guided your choices and prioritization efforts in this year of SIA implementation, what stands out? How will what you’ve learned this year impact future SIA implementation efforts? (500 words or less)

We are excited to implement the social emotional learning curriculum purchased this last year(21-22) for the 22-23 school year in conjunction with a partial FTE to teach it.  In the future continue to look for opportunities to broaden social and cultural experiences that our rural students miss out on due to isolation and limited resources.