Early Intervention - Early Childhood Special Education
EI/ECSE evaluation and therapy services are FREE of charge. Eligible children may receive services in placements such as Head Start, private preschools, or home based.
services. The program staff includes Michael Benson, EI/ECSE Specialist and Speech & Language
Pathologist; and Rose Barry, Educational Assistant. Additional support to the program is provided by the
ESD's Special Ed Director and Office Manager.
cognitive/social/gross motor/fine motor, and adaptive skills. Autism evaluation and consultation
services are available through the Lake County ESD. Southern Oregon ESD Regional Program provides
assessment and consultative support for physical and occupational therapy. Southern Oregon ESD
Regional Program also provides services for children with hearing and vision impairments.

E-mail Michael Benson (mbenson@lakeesd.k12.or.us) or call the Lake Co. ESD (541-947-3371) for referral information.
The program staff provide developmental, speech/language, and hearing screenings to gather
information to aide in determining evaluation needs.
The Ages & Stages Questionnaire is used to screen infants and young children for potential
developmental delays or concerns. The questionnaires are completed by parents and cover five
key areas of development: Communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal-social.
Ages & Stages Questionnaire Tool
